Top 10k strings from IQ Test (1987)(Alfa Soft).tap
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10 ;"a, b, c or d?" 4 ;"a, b, c or d?": 3 ;"Number?" 2 s$(s)=d$(1 2 ;"squares?": 2 ;"Enter the missing number:" 2 );("Not your forte" 2 );("Average" 1 s$(s)=z$(1 1 s$(f+g)=b$(f+g) 1 a$=" " 1 IQ-Test } 1 ;t;" points"; 1 ;a(f);" points"; 1 ;a$;a$;a$;a$ 1 ;(t-u)-z*60 1 ;("Very good" 1 ;"relates"; 1 ;"persons": 1 ;"c)burn"; 1 ;"a, b, c, d or e?" 1 ;"a)sit","b)lie","c)rest","d)stand" 1 ;"a)quick","b)exciting","c)alternately","d)dull" 1 ;"a)fuel"; 1 ;"a)Tent","b)Elevator","c)Square","d)Room" 1 ;"Which of these figures gives a logical continuation?" 1 ;"Which of these alternatives","should follow the row of cubes?" 1 ;"Which of these alternatives","should fill the empty space?" 1 ;"Which of these alternatives","replace the empty space?" 1 ;"Which of these alternatives","gives the row a logical continuation?" 1 ;"Which figure does not fit into the connection?" 1 ;"What word doES not fit into the connection?" 1 ;"What word can you put in front of all the three other words?" 1 ;"What word can be put in front ofthe other four words?" 1 ;"What will the box look like","after it has been folded","together, when the black sides face outwards?" 1 ;"What number gives the row a","logical continuation?" 1 ;"What figure gives the row a","logical continuation?" 1 ;"What alternative should replace the question-mark?" 1 ;"Visual-analytical abilities:" 1 ;"Type ";f 1 ;"The opposide of monotonous is:" 1 ;"Stair relates to ladder as house to:" 1 ;"Room perseption:" 1 ;"Rob walks 3 km south, turns 90 degrees to left and walks 2 km east. Then he turns 90 deg. to left again and walks 3 km,","before he once more turns to","left 90 deg. and walks 1 km." 1 ;"Persons ("; 1 ;"Nourishment relates to humans aspetrol to:" 1 ;"Linguistical abilities:" 1 ;"In two boxes there are in total 51 balls, but in one of them","there are nine more than in the other. How many balls are there in the box which contains most balls?" 1 ;"How may the dice at the top looklike when you turn it?" 1 ;"How many of these little","squares is this big square","composed of?" 1 ;"How many of these litle","squares do you at least have to make up the big square?" 1 ;"Find a word which means the sameas both words outside the","brackets:" 1 ;"Enter the missing numbers (two alternatives):" 1 ;"Enter the missing numbers (one by one):" 1 ;"Average:" 1 ;"Abstract-logical abilities:" 1 ;"5 persons build a wall in 3","days. How many persons are","needed to build the wall in","half a day?" 1 ;"31 30 32 30 33 30 ?" 1 ;"2. number?",: 1 ;"2. alternative (lowest)?",: 1 ;"1. number?": 1 ;"1. alternative (highest)?" 1 ;") Relatives" 1 ;" Press any key to continue " 1 ;" " 1 ;" "; 1 ,y-yy)="": 1 ,"sleep",,"dose","....","look",,"take" 1 (t-u)-z*60 1 ("Very good" 1 ''',"ski",".....","melon"',"colour" 1 '''"And in which direction is he","facing in the end (North, South,East or West)(only one letter)?" 1 '"How far is Rob from the startingpoint after these manoeuvres?" 1 '"Example:"'',"maker","Shoe","horn"',"lace" 1 "34","c","c","b","3","16","ac","c","30","b","b","water","30","9","a","c","1729","d","b","folks","5","a","1w","a","24327","b","all","over" 1 "21610 Press any key to continue ": 1 "21610 Press any key to start ": 1 "21271 Press any key to continue " 1 "20600 Arts and crafts should suit youvery well." 1 "19600 It is mostly architects and mapdrawers who make use of this ability." 1 "18600 Besides:Perhaps intelligence isnot everything in life (ehm...)?" 1 "18160 1 "15600 The IQ is calculated on a basisage of 18 years and older. If you are younger, divide 18 by your age and multiply the resultby itself and multiply this by the IQ you got." 1 "13600 Your linguistic understanding could be the key to a better understanding of literatur. If you in additon have a good imagination and understanding ofothers, you ought to be well liked and have good qualifi- cations to work in the social sector." 1 "13160 The screen may stay blank for some time.": 1 "12600 With the aid of logical conclusions and other facilitiesmany can figure out how the backof a dice looks like, but only few are capable of really ""seeing"" it." 1 "11600 the population will have scored lower than you on this test." 1 "11160 You have in total 25 minutes to solve the 28 tests. You are not supposed to use pen and paper to draw or calculate the result of a test.": 1 "10600 When it comes to numbers and other abstract sizes, such an ability is of course of great value. However, this may in the social life give you enemies. Those who always use their logic, and judge everything froma highly abstract-mathematical level, sometimes meets people with little understanding and tolerance." 1 "10600 That means that about "+ 1 "10600 Secondly, intelligence comprisemore than this test covers. There are eg. musicallity, a social ability, an ability to notice social reactions, and theability to understand oneself." 1 "10600 Is there someone else who would like to try the test?" 1 "09160seconds left.": 1 "08600 Your IQ is about: "+ 1 "08600 Accurancy and care are your strongest points. Before you draw a conclusion or make a decision, you study the subject down to the smallest detail, andyou often notice things others overlook. As long as it is aboutsomething concrete, you are heading steadily towards the correct decisions." 1 "08160You had "+d$+" minutes and "+c$: 1 "08160 Eg.: The answer to a question is both ""b"" and ""d"". You input ""bd"" as answer.": 1 "04600 You who have taken this test once, should not take it once more as this will give an incorrect result." 1 "04600 Firstly, perhaps the test situation was unfamilar, so thatyou couldn't remember.....and therefore feel that the test does not give a correct picture." 1 "04160 Du brukte for lang tid. IQ'en vil bli deretter." 1 "04160 This test measures the four most important intelligence dimensions: logical, linguistic,figurative and 3-dimensional intelligence.": 1 "04160 Some of the questions may havetwo or more answers. Input all answers together.": 1 "04160 Congratulation, you have completed the test.": 1 "00600 You have a marked and relative rare room-imagination. Without big problems you can produce pictures of things in you mind and form them exactly as you wish - 3D-shapes too. With you inner eye you can turn and twis them, so that you also get to see the sides which are hidden to others." 1 "00600 You have a distinct logical wayof thinking, ie. that you very often lean on rules and legalities. You easily discover fundamental structures, and you see connections while others still strive with the details orpurely external points." 1 "00600 You express yourself best in linguistical material. You probably lead a internal conver-sation with yourself before you formulate the solution, and ""translate"" this to something non linguistic. For you thinkingis playing with words and associations. This may go so farthat you think best when you write. You have probably a largevocabular and good general knowledge." 1 "00600 You are a marked concrete thinking human being, who feel most comfortable facing a visualproblem. Then you consentrate yourself most easily and make a thorough analysis." 1 "00600 There is no reason to despair if the high points did not appear." 1 "00600 The IQ is difficult to calculate from such a small test. The number you are given here should not be taken too seriously. This also regards thecharacteristic you was given earlier." 1 1987 ALFA SOFT": 1 N